Local Food... In a Nutshell | Mama Jean's Natural Market
Local Food... In a Nutshell

At MaMa Jean’s, we love local. Since our doors opened in 2002, we have partnered with area farmers, bakers, growers and artists to showcase exceptional quality from right here in the Ozarks. We believe in the relationships we have formed with our neighbors and trust the care and passion they put into their delicious work. By supporting local, we can get high quality, real food at a fair price, while supporting Ozarks farmers, improving the local economy, and reducing our environmental impact.

Local food can be categorized two ways:

1. Locally grown

This term applies to food grown and harvested in your community, or made from components which have. No part of this food has traveled a great distance to reach you. (Example: locally grown produce)

As often as possible, eat fresh food grown right in your area. This small action has benefits for the body, the economy and even the environment. While variety of local food can vary throughout the year, eating food available by season has tremendous benefits for the body. Follow nature’s natural cycle of nutrients by eating things like hydrating berries in the summer, hearty squash in autumn, virus fighting citrus in the winter and detoxifying greens in spring.

2. Locally Sourced or Locally Made

This applies to prepared food or other personal products which have been assembled by a local community member or business. Some (or all) of this product may come from a another state or even country. (Example: Locally roasted coffee)

If you are unable to find a locally grown version of a product you need, you can still keep your dollars in your community by purchasing locally sourced products. This keeps hard working neighbors employed, encourages unique and high quality merchandise and invites a more cultured community.