Living Vibrantly with Keto | Mama Jean's Natural Market

Keto, it’s been quite the buzz for a couple of years now. Still not quite sure of how it works? The basic premise of Keto is that by eating no sugar, very low carbohydrates with high consumption of quality fats, the body starts to burn fat through a process called ketosis. It will always use carbohydrates first for fuel. When it’s not given any, it resorts to burning fat for fuel. That is what ketosis is, the metabolic process your body kicks into when it is forced to burn fat instead of carbs.

A life filled with bacon and butter sounds pretty good! However, it’s still of vital importance to consume high-quality fats (fast food burger and fries are still a no-no!) and get your veggies in so that your body get the optimal amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. That’s where supplements make life with Keto a lot easier.

One of the biggest concerns for those starting Keto is the dreaded “Keto flu”. When the body first goes into ketosis, it releases excess fluid quickly, and in that fluid are key minerals. The loss of those minerals can produce symptoms that often mimic those of a flu: fatigue, muscle ache, headache, and nausea. Supplements containing trace minerals help to keep your body in balance. Protein powders formulated for the Keto lifestyle are helpful for those times when you either forgot to meal prep, or are travelling where brining meals just isn’t feasible.

Whatever your needs or curiosity about this lifestyle are, one of our Wellness staff members will be happy to guide you to products that will make living Keto a breeze!