summer | Mama Jean's Natural Market

Campfire Cooler

Start your day with our Campfire Cooler! This seasonal cold brew tastes like a s'more with it's chocolate and marshmallow fluff. It's all the flavors of your favorite campfire treat. Try this summer special thoughout June, July and August. 

Ingredients: Rebel cold brew, almond milk, chocolate and marshmallow syrup, xanthan gum, graham crackers with whipped cream


Summer Coffee: The Golden Ticket

Straight from the chocolate factory, we’ve got your very own Golden Ticket right here. This blended coffee drink is crafted with Askinosie chocolate (Springfield’s very own Chocolatier!). Rebel cold brew coffee mixes with bits of Askinosie chunks, giving this bold mocha so much flavor.  

Just like Charlie you’ll soon be singing “‘Cause I’ve got a golden ticket, I’ve got a golden chance to make my way ...and with a golden ticket it’s a golden day” .



MaMa's Remedies for Poison Ivy

We all know how it goes. You’re enjoying the outdoors, plunging into the woods ...when all of a sudden you realize you’ve got yourself into a mess of poison ivy. Maybe you don’t notice until later ...when your skin breaks out into a blistering rash. Without help, you’ll be a miserable wreck for weeks. But don’t worry, MaMa knows what to do. Thankfully, we’ve got some great, natural remedies that really work! With as easy as it can be to find poison ivy in the Ozarks, it doesn’t hurt to have some of these items on hand.


Herb & Spice Features: Lemonade Mix & Zinc Oxide

Keep Cool and Cover Up this July with these nifty products from our Bulk Herb & Spice Department: Lemonade Mix and Zinc Oxide!

Zinc Oxide

Not only does Zinc Oxide provide broad-spectrum sun protection that prevents burns, it also helps to lower skin inflammation associated with rashes, allergies, or irritation. It can help treat acne breakouts, too, by improving wound healing and preventing bacterial infections. So don't be afraid to slather on this DIY sunscreen this summer!

DIY Sunscreen