Supplements to Maintain a Healthy Heart | Mama Jean's Natural Market
Healthy Heart Supplements

February is when we are most reminded to show some love to those dear to our hearts. It's also the perfect time to remind everyone to take care of their own heart. In this case, we're talking about your actual heart, that muscle in our chest that keeps everything moving. Let's start with a reminder of the basics: eat nourishing foods, take walks, and reduce stress as much as possible.

With our busy lives and environmental stressors, we also recommend a few supplements to help keep your heart right on beat.


It's an important mineral that gets depleted under stress, and let's face it, most of us could use an extra boost of this mineral! It helps muscles (our heart is a muscle) function optimally, keep the nervous system calm, and maintain healthy blood pressure. Magnesium is easy to take in either capsule form or powder form that just needs to be mixed with water.

Fish Oil

Omega 3 fatty acids, which is what fish oil is comprised of, have been shown to support the cardiovascualar system by reducing cholesterol. They keep blood flowing freely by helping to preven clots and maintain a regular heartbeat. Heart-healthy omegas are naturally occuring in fatty fish such as salmon. However, to get the biggest benefits from Omega 3s, taking a concentrated supplement for better results.

Hawthorn Berries

The little berries of the hawthorn tree hold a powerful key to a healthy heart. In England, where the tree grows natively, studies have shown that this berry may strengthen cardiac muscles, increase oxygen flow, and even slightly dilate vessels for increased circulation.

At MaMa Jean's we offer high-quality supplements that can help to support a strong, healthy heart. Through the month of February, we have several magnesiums on sale by KAL, as well as Omega 3 supplements by the top brand in this category, Nordic Naturals. Stop by our Wellness Department and one of our team memebers would be happy to help you find the supplement that is just right for your cardiovascular needs.