Sulfites in Wine: What You Need to Know | Mama Jean's Natural Market

Welcome back to Kim's corner!  This month I want to talk about Sulfites in wine. Many people believe that they can’t enjoy wine for fear of headaches caused by wine. Sulfites are misunderstood. Let’s talk about why!

Do all wines contain sulfites? 

Yes, because grapes naturally have sulfites within their skins (as do other plants like onions and garlic) and because sulfites are a natural by-product of fermentation. 

Some wines may contain more sulfites than others due to added sulfites for preservation. 

Are sulfites bad for you?

Contrary to what most people think, sulfites are not responsible for hangover symptoms such as headaches. Some people experience the “wine headache” after “no added sulfites” wine, as well. Wines labeled “no added sulfites” are very low in sulfites. Usually around 10 mg. or less. The headaches are usually the result of histamines, dehydration, additives and chemicals. People with sulfite sensitivity will experience headaches from consuming certain processed food and drinks.

White wines tend to have more sulfites because red wine is preserved naturally by natural tannins. 

Like farming and food production, it’s impossible to make large quantities of wine without the use of chemicals and additives. 

This is why organic wine producers are very small and only produce limited and sometimes difficult to find wines! 

I hope you ‘ll explore organic wines with us and taste the difference!

