Good Gracious! It's Diatomaceous! | Mama Jean's Natural Market
Diatomaceous Earth, garden, home, pest control, bug control

Diatomaceous Earth. What is it? How in the world do we pronounce it?! (Die-a-tom-a-shus)

Diatomaceous Earth (or DE) is a soft powder made from fossilized diatoms which were single-celled algae in which its cell wall was made of silica. Because of its unique structure and high silica content, DE has many beneficial uses for your health, home, and garden.

When viewed under a microscope,  we can see that the structure of this powder is tiny shards of the ground-up diatoms. Those microscopic shards are sharp enough to break through the exoskeleton of a number of home and garden pests such as ants, bed bugs, and fleas. We highly recommend using Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for both internal and external use, especially if you have small pets and/or children. Sprinkle DE along floor boards, along the outside perimeter of your home, and on mattresses. If using for an infestation, you may need to reapply daily for a few weeks. You can also use DE to prevent infestations. When dealing with fleas, rub DE into your pet's fur, as well as around the house. To keep pesky bugs off of your garden plants, sprinkle a generous amount of DE around the base of each plant.

Food grade DE may be ingested to boost silica content. It may also help reduce blood pressure, and assist with food intolerances. Diatomaceous Earth can be effective with free radicals, too. It has a strong negative charge that attaches to and helps remove bacteria, heavy metals, and other toxins. It is recommended to start ingesting at very small amounts, then working your way up to desired maximum. For adults, it's suggested to start with 1 teaspoon a day on an empty stomach, and then work your way up to 1 tablespoon. Sprinkle a very small amount of DE onto your pet's food on occasion to prevent them from getting worms.

With all the uses for Diatomaceous Earth, it's helpful to have a bag at home, ready for use. Find food grade DE pre-bagged in our Bulk department at all three locations.