The Dangers of DEET | Mama Jean's Natural Market
The Dangers of Deet

Could the bug spray you’re using be more dangerous than the mosquitos and ticks you’re trying to keep away? DEET is largely used in commercial bug sprays and while it is an effective repellent it can also have adverse health effects.

There has been much debate over the safety of using DEET. One 2009 study concluded that DEET may prevent the normal breakdown of acetylcholine, a nervous system chemical that triggers movement and muscle activity. Other research has also tied DEET to seizures or brain toxicity in children. There is even concern as to what happens when DEET mixes with sunscreen and the buildup of DEET in our waterways.

In some cases DEET alone may cause minor to serious reactions or conditions:

  1. Allergic Reactions
  2. Seizures & Bran Malfunction
  3. Gulf War Syndrome
  4. Carcinogenic Properties
  5. Toxic for Pets
  6. Negative Environmental Impact

If you’re serious about avoiding bug bites AND nasty chemicals like DEET then we’ve got options for you! You shouldn’t have to worry about potential side effects when there are great products that work just as good without the junk. Here are some of our staff favorites:

Badger Anti-Bug Shake & Spray

 This is an organic and natural bug repellent spray. Using citronella and pure essential oils like rosemary and wintergreen this fomula is effective without the use of synthetic chemicals. 

Para Kito

These stylish bracelets come in all different colors and are an effective safeguard against mosquitos. Bracelets provide long lasting protection up to 15 days per refill pelet. It's even waterproof!

Nantucket Incense Repel Sticks

These garden sticks are great to set up around your backyard! Each incense stick provides you with over ninety minutes of lovely scented protection from insects using organic essential oils. No dyes, artifical perfumes or harmful chemicals are used!

Ya Ya Organics Tick & Mosquito Spray

 Simply shake and spray this plant based spray! This fresh herbal scent is one you'll love and bugs will hate. An alcohol free formula that keeps ticks, black flies, gnats and other bugs away.