Baby Bumps & Beyond- How to Have the Best Pregnancy | Mama Jean's Natural Market
Looking to have the best Pregnancy you possibly can? Hoping to achieve the Birth you desire? Want a Happy, Healthy Baby? Than this workshop is for you! If you are expecting or know someone who is you will not want to miss this workshop! Baby Bumps is a community workshop centered on educating, empowering and encouraging women & families to plan and achieve their most optimal birth plan. Our goal is to encourage women to “take the wheel” on what will be one of the most meaningful journeys of their lives. This workshop will help those who are expecting come to a better understanding of how “common” choices in pregnancy and birth are leading to more interventions, and the long term effects of those interventions on the health of our children. Not only will we show what is happening with these interventions, but we will discuss action steps to help mothers-to be achieve the natural birth, and healthy, happy baby they desire! Join us to mingle, laugh, and of course, answer questions about your pregnancy (sleep, mood, pain, birth plans, etc...) We're ready to HELP YOU! We can't wait to celebrate your family growing! See You Soon, Dr. James Peterson Please RSVP here!